Ministry of The Parish Council Series Collaborative leadership from clergy and laity is critical to creating a bright future for the Orthodox parishes in America. Yet most observers would agree the typical Orthodox parish council has room for improvement. Session One COMPLETE Session one was held November 3 2015. It covered: -- an introduction to good parish governance principles based upon Orthodox ecclesiology. -- a brief history of common parish governance ideas wrongly inherited from the past -- a review of the reveiw of the purpose and role of the parish and the parish council The archive recording is unavailble. Slides for session one can be found here Session Two COMPLETE Session one was held Decemeber 2015. It covered expectations of parish council members, tasks of parish councils, parish administrative structure and good practices of parish councils. The archiive recording for session two can be found here. The slides for session two can be found here. Session Three COMPLETE Session three was held Jan 12 2016. It covered good meeting practices The slides for session three can be found here Archive recording for session three can be found here Session Four COMPLETE Session four was held on Feb 9 2016. It dealt with special leadership topics and questions previously raised by attendees. This included:
The archive recording of session four is not available. The slides for session four can be found here. Fostering Generosity & Practical Financial Stewardship Complete This webinar explored various topics associated with building good stewardship in parishes including: Archive Here Slides Here Waking Up Your Parish With College Ministry Complete Few actions can heat up a lukewarm parish better than reaching out to college students to help them find a worship home away from home. This webinar covered three topics: WHO are thesecollege student; what arethey like? WHY should we minister to college students? HOW What actions should we take to get started? Slides Here Archive Recording Here You need to login/register to view the recording. Communicating Your Parish -- Yellow Pages is No Longer Enough Complete Perhaps more than any other North American religious body Orthodox Christian parishes need to be effective in communicating their mission and their ministries to the world, to their local community and to their members. Archive and Slides If you missed the session you can view an archive recording by clicking here. You need to register to view the recording. (First five minutes is without visual -- after that you see and hear the presentation. To download a pdf of the slides click here. Profiles in Parish Revitalization COMPLETE On Thursday June 12 2014 we presented the webinar "Profiles in Parish Revitalization" to a large audience. Our speakers were:
Archive and Slides If you missed the session you can view an archive recording by clicking here. You need to register to view the recording. (First five minutes is without visual -- after that you see and hear the presentation. To download a pdf of the slides click here. Windows Movie version of archive -- here
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Building Vibrant Parishes Webinar Series Session One - Wed. July 10 2013 -- 8 PM EDT COMPLETE “Experiences of Decline and Renewal” Session one focused on building a sense of urgency and hope. It explored patterns of decline and denial, provided insights into helping parishes get out of “ruts” and offered stories of parishes that have suffered decline and are now seeing an increasingly hopeful future. Slides -- Click here for slides Session Two Wed. July 24, 2013 -- 8 PM EDT COMPLETE “Characteristics of Vibrant, 21st Century Orthodox Parishes in America” Session Two offered a clear target vision of the behaviors, practices and values of good Orthodox parishes. The session will examine the basics of healthy Christian communities using examples from scripture and the early church, introduce attendees to ‘21 observable traits of growing, vibrant parishes’ and explore the Orthodox Parish Inventory Model as a tool to evaluate your parish. Slides -- Click here for slides. Session Three - Wed. Aug 7, 2013 -- 8 PM EDT COMPLETE “Driving New Life into Your Parish - Having defined challenges and examined qualities of healthy parishes, our final session provided a framework for action. Topics included identifying obstacles, mechanisms of change, selecting a first action project and getting help. Slides -- Click here for slides. Reaching the Unchurched Webinar Series Complete Fr Jonathan Ivanoff and Joseph Kormos collaboratedto deliver a five part webinar series titled "Reaching the Unchurched". Slides from each session are available. Recordings are no longer available. |
Please follow this link to Midwest Diocese webinars page for archives of past webinars. (right hand column)