Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania
Orthodox Church in America
/ Ministries / Parish Development / Financial Practices / Pockets of Giving
Many Pockets of Giving

Many Pockets
Many Pockets
Many Pockets
Stewardship Messages Need to Comprehend Differing Priorities

Autumn is an active period for parish stewardship ministries to communicate the importance of generosity and good stewardship to the parish. (Hopefully this communication isn't limited to one brief period throughout the year.)

When communicating with parishioners concerning their financial support for the parish remember that different people will reach into their pockets for different things. 

Specific areas of opportunity that your budget and stewardship materials should communicate:

1) Operations

Contrary to conventional opinion most people realize the day to day work of the church costs money. Nonetheless remind them of ongoing regular parish expenses including diocesan and national church obligations, office expenses.

2) Building and Property Maintenance

People love their church. Help them to understand what it will take in future years.

2A) Capital Improvements/Major repairs

Even if you have enough money from operating funds to pay for for roofs, parking lots, mechanical equipment; landscaping, it still makes sense to invite people to contribute to specific, large ones.

3) Education

Whether for children or adults' understanding of the faith describe what would be necessary for top flight class materials, workbooks visual aids, videos, retreat speakers --including travel -- scholarships, immersive youth programs, participation in FOCUS, OCMC, IOCC or Project Mexico endeavors.  


Is it time to provide more than mandated cost of living increases for the priest? A second, perhaps intern, priest? A stipend for deacons? Assisting the priest with seminary debt?

5) Charitable Service

Whether meeting the needs of under resourced persons in the region of your parish or for international efforts (Orthodox or not) many parishioners will be motivated to support parish initiated efforts of those in great need. Combining budget donations or expenditures with a ministry including youth and adult time and time and talent will be even more potent. 

6) New Parish Planting

Many Orthodox are enlivened by the opportunity to help plant new Orthodox communities in under served areas. Again combine funding with hands on assistance of new communities. Consider investing parish funds with OCCIF --the Orthodox ministry enabling communities --new and existing - to receive loans for building programs.

7) Heritage Parish Renewal

Small parishes, perhaps founded over a century ago and now with an aging membership, have a difficult path but they are not condemned to death or irrelevance --if the members would have it otherwise. Their path can be assisted with financial and ministry support from your parish.

8) Evangelism and Outreach

At this time many parishes are experiencing an 'Orthodox moment'. Is your parish investing in this opportunity to share the Orthodox faith with others? Communicating your parish and Orthodox Christianity requires website, webmasters, speakers, events, invitations, publications, new parishioner assimilation and integration efforts and more. Give those motivated to being 'fishers of men' an opportunity to invest via your budget.

9) Worship/Music

As Orthodox our (hopefully not-so-) secret weapon is beauty. Is some new iconography in order? Replaced carpeting/flooring? Choir director training? Music workshops? Voice lessons for young singers? Might someone in your parish be waiting for an opportunity to invest?

10) Leadership Development

The idea that specialized training and development isn't a necessity for a parish seeking brighter future is simply narrow minded and backward. Clergy, young and old, constantly exhibit strengthening opportunities in areas such as delegation, communication, time management, conflict management, change management, financial administration and more. Can the church school or parish council or ministry leaders profit from similar assistance?

And, just as it is important to identify key areas of opportunity and support it is important to realize that each of the different giving constituencies that would be motivated by them may need to be approached in tailored ways --either individually, in small groups, verbally or in writing.

No one size "ask" fits all!

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