Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania
Orthodox Church in America
Holy Synod ordains ruling bishop for Albanian Archdiocese - September 15-16, 2023


His Eminence joins Metropolitan Tikhon and other members of the Holy Synod in South Boston this weekend to ordain and enthrone the next ruling bishop of the OCA's Albanian Archdiocese.

At the historic Saint George Albanian Cathedral, Metropolitan Tikhon and members of the Holy Synod will ordain Archimadrite Nikodhim (Preston) to the rank of Bishop. The ceremony is just shy of the 100th anniversary of the episcopal ordination of the Albanian Orthodox priest, Metropolitan Theofan (Noli), who served the faithful in North America, as well as the 20th anniversary of the ordination of his precedessor, Archbishop Nikon (Liolin), who reposed on September 1, 2019. May God grant Bishop Nikodhim many years!

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