The faithful of St John the Baptist Church in Black Lick/Blairsville invited all to join them on Wednesday, December 18 to mark the 15 th year of the repose of their ever-memorable Archbishop Job. A memorial Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence and clergy of the Archdiocese, and since this is the 15 th anniversary of his passing a more formal commemoration was held. Archbishop Melchizedek’s remarks highlighted the special relationship that existed with Archbishop Job and St. John’s and this continuing relationship 15 years after his passing. The impact of Archbishop Job on St. John’s is manifested in many ways. Having relatives of their beloved Situ is one example of his continuing influence. The projects including the kitchen were all made possible by his generosity to St. John’s. His love for our Parish is truly a blessing that permits such a small parish to have a full Liturgical cycle that is welcoming to our many visitors. Finally, his contribution to the scholarship fund permits us to help a Seminarian each year in his memory.
Read more about Archbishop Job. May his Memory be Eternal!
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