Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania
Orthodox Church in America
Those in Need Doubly Blessed in Pittsburgh -- November 27, 2023

Those in need of food assistance around the city were doubly blessed this past week.  Food give aways to those in need were held in both the Southside and the McKeesport Flats.

On Thursday, the St Cyril of White Lake Food Pantry, which operated by volunteers from around the Archdiocese out of the parish hall of Holy Assumption of St. Mary Church in the Southside, provides food to the homeless and poor of our community every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. This week, 48 families were helped; see more on their Facebook page. Those wishing to assist with this ministry, either individuals/small groups looking to volunteer once/occasionally/regularly, or those willing to donate to the effort, should contact Igumen Patrick directly at 412-431-6428 to see how you can help.

Just down the river in McKeesport Flats, the Parish of St Nicholas also operates a Community Food Pantry on the last Saturday of the month. Originally hosting monthly community meals for their community, the parish has adapted dinners to be a food pantry so that they can serve those in need in a greater way. Anyone interested in assisting with this ministry should contact the parish directly.





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